Friday, 25 April 2014

Kairos Training Day

Four of us are going to the Kairos Training Day on 21st June to learn more.

Talking about Israel/Palestine

Around 40 people gathered at St John's in Crowthorne to see the film "The stones cry out" and to hear about Ken Perrett's stay in Bethlehem. It was a lively evening and there were many questions.

Ken's stay in Bethlehem

As part of the Kairos Action Plan, Ken Perrett spent 8 weeks staying in the Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem. You can read Ken's blog at

Kairos Crowthorne blog goes live

Kairos Crowthorne is a group of people living in Crowthorne, Berkshire who are interested in working for peace and justice in Israel and Palestine.

Kairos Palestine - a moment of truth was published by all the Churches in Jerusalem in 2009.

It called upon the Israeli and Palestinian Leaders, the International Community and the World Churches, to accelerate the achievement of justice, peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land. 
Kairos Britain - a time for action was published in 2013 and calls upon British Christians to be aware of the present situation in Israel and Palestine, to reflect prayerfully on it, and to respond, faithfully and courageously.

St John the Baptist Parish Church in Crowthorne has responded to these challenges by approving a "Kairos Action Plan". The plan follows the guidance in the Kairos Britain documents and has three stages. They are:-

1. to be aware of the present situation in Israel and Palestine
2. to reflect prayfully on it, and
3. to respond faithfully and courageously. 

The Church expects to take a decision on whether to formally become a Kairos Congregation on 9th July 2014.