Saturday, 28 March 2015

Becoming an active Kairos Community

St John the Baptist Parish Church has now become an "Active Kairos Community" Kairos Britain defines what this means.

Kairos Active:

Kairos Active Community are required to provide evidence that they have undertaken three activities that promote a just and lasting peace in Palestine and Israel and have educated and inspired their own (Kairos Committed) Community and beyond.
These activities may include (but are not confined to);
  • Raising awareness through events that encourage people to take action for a just peace. There are a list of suggested events and key times of the year here
  • Praying regularly for a just peace in Palestine and Israel.
  • Participating in the boycott of, divestment from and economic sanctions against everything produced by the occupation, including identifying relevant actions the local community can take and enabling them to do so. More information can be found here
  • Lobbying and actively engaging with political representatives by significant numbers of the group
  • Organising a visit to Israel/Palestine that includes visiting organisations working towards just peace (these should include Jewish Israeli groups, as well as Palestinian organisations). Helpful links and suggestions can be found here.
  • Fundraising for local, national or international organisations committed to a just peace in Palestine and Israel. More information on organisations to support can be found here or in the back of the Time for Action document.
  • Committing to prayer and action when emergencies or crises happen in Israel/Palestine.

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